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Fansites domains list posted by Lucien on 09.24.2023
What I got for Xmas 2022 posted by Lucien on 12.29.2022
Fansites domains list

I actually wrote this entry back in March, but my laziness won over so I'm posting this in September - but I still hope I'll be able to go back to a pre-pandemic schedule soon....and a new site look should help me to get on the right path; so without further ado, let's jump into it.
Version 2.0 of the site is called Potion and features some artwork from an Attack on Titan Erwin/Levi doujinshi found on a yaoi/slash doujinshi and manga site...and while I'm not an AoT fan (I stopped reading the series pretty early in), this artist's artwork was simply too good to pass on; hopefully you'll like it as much as I do.
Now onto the real topic of the post....which I have no idea whether it may interest someone (probably not LOL), but I had no clue on what to talk about so I thought to make a full list of all the fansites domains I've "collected" through the years - all with the goal of one day making a shrine site for each. Here’s the list as of September 2023.
- beloved-horizon(.com) ::: a Pirates of the Caribbean’s Jack Sparrow/Will Turner fansite tld;
- deckerstar(.com) ::: a Lucifer’s Lucifer Morningstar/Chloe Decker fansite tld;
- firelordd(.com) ::: a Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Prince Zukofansite tld;
- kagemusha(.org) ::: a Shinshi Doumei Cross’s Takanari Togu fansite tld;
- kingsacorn(.com) ::: a The Hobbit’s Thorin Oakenshield/Bilbo Baggins fansite tld;
- malecc(.rocks) ::: a Shadowhunters’s Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane fansite tld;
- myfairlord(.com) ::: a Kingsman’s Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin fansite tld;
- reylo(.rocks) ::: a Star Wars’s Kylo Ren/Rey fansite fansite tld;
- r0seknight(.com) ::: a Maiden Rose’s Taki/Klaus fansite tld;
- sennennohana(.com) ::: a Joou no hana manga fansite tld;
- sterekfan(.com) ::: a Teen Wolf’s Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski fansite tld;
- teamstony(.com) ::: a MCU’s Steve Rogers/Tony Stark fansite tld;
- thorkiish(.org) ::: a MCU’s Thor/Loki fansite tld;
- wolfslark(.com) ::: a The Witcher tv series’ Geralt/Jaskier fansite tld;
Please, please, don’t ask to give/sell you any of these domains, as I love them so I never will.
Have to go now, as I need to actually set up and upload the pages, the cms and the site with the new design; see you all on next post.
Take care guys, and have a wonderful week. ♥
Posted on 09.24.2023 • Filed under sorairo • 0 blue skies